Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I haven't been going to CVS much lately.  I think there were actually two weeks in a row that I didn't go because nothing interested  me.  I did go this week for the great Duracell deal... Buy $20 worth of Duracell and receive $15 in ECBs...  I bought 4 packs for $5.49 each and used 4 $1.50 off Qs from this past Sunday's paper making my total $15.96 and I earned $15 - great deal right before Christmas!!  I also had a $5/30 that I got in email from CVS so I bought other things, I just don't remember what right now.  

I've been discouraged while reading frugal blogs because of the underhanded things people do for a "deal."  CVS has great promos and you can get so much for dirt cheap...  I don't understand the need to lie, manipulate and steal to make the deals even better.  I've deleted most of the blogs I had saved before which unfortunately means I do miss out on some true bargains but oh well.  

CVS has lots of great freebies for Black Friday that actually start on Thanksgiving.  My mom and I plan on going together early Thanksgiving morning.  I have over $25 in ECBs so I shouldn't need to spend much, if any, out of pocket!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm soooo with you! I haven't been to CVS in weeks, but I was bothered when I questioned why everyone was using a coupon that clearly states one per household on it multiple times. I had done it myself without thinking twice and when I really sat down and read the whole coupon, I felt like I was stealing. I never got a response about that on the blog.