Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Where have I been!?
Life has been hectic, and I can't believe summer is already over. We start school on the 9th and I am excited! We have a great curriculum set up this year, and all 4 kids will be doing work. They will continue with Greek, and this year will also get Spanish lessons. We have some exciting things planned, and I am praying all goes smoothly. I will try to write more soon. :)
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving at CVS
I don't have receipts handy... but I bought all this in 3 transactions and earned over $10!!! I walked in with $26.96 in ECBs, paid $0.97 in cash, and walked out with $37.97 in ECBs... for a profit of $10.04!!!!! A profit AND a crockpot AND all this other stuff... My mom went with and actually earned more of a profit than I did. She also got a crockpot (seen on the floor in the photo), spent a bit more out of pocket ($3 and some change), but had a total profit of over $14!!! We had a blast!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I love a man that does the laundry...
I ran to CVS today because I wanted to get some of the deals that are good now (before Thursday) out of the way. I wanted the free after ECB contact lens solution but the store I chose to go to was out. I messed up and didn't have my card with me but hopefully I can get the "mess" figured out with an easy call tomorrow.
(6) Tylenol Rapid Release 24ct $5.69 B1G1 = $17.07
(2) Maybelline Foundation $8.99 = 17.98
(3) Johnson's Buddies Soap $1.19 = 3.57
(2) Reese's Pieces $0.50 = 1
Total: $39.62
Coupons Used: (6) $2 Tylenol, $3 Maybelline, $2 Maybelline, $3/3 Johnson's, $18.49 ECBs
Total OOP: $0.42
ECBs Earned: $18 for a total of $0.91 for the transaction
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I haven't been going to CVS much lately. I think there were actually two weeks in a row that I didn't go because nothing interested me. I did go this week for the great Duracell deal... Buy $20 worth of Duracell and receive $15 in ECBs... I bought 4 packs for $5.49 each and used 4 $1.50 off Qs from this past Sunday's paper making my total $15.96 and I earned $15 - great deal right before Christmas!! I also had a $5/30 that I got in email from CVS so I bought other things, I just don't remember what right now.
I've been discouraged while reading frugal blogs because of the underhanded things people do for a "deal." CVS has great promos and you can get so much for dirt cheap... I don't understand the need to lie, manipulate and steal to make the deals even better. I've deleted most of the blogs I had saved before which unfortunately means I do miss out on some true bargains but oh well.
CVS has lots of great freebies for Black Friday that actually start on Thanksgiving. My mom and I plan on going together early Thanksgiving morning. I have over $25 in ECBs so I shouldn't need to spend much, if any, out of pocket!
Sam's 5th Birthday
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Trick or Treating
Here are the kids before we left to go trick or treating... Sophia was an equestrian and she looked awesome in her full get up! I posted the picture of all 4 of them so you could see her boots too! The kids had a great time - we walked 2 miles (1 mile to a certain person's house and 1 mile home) and the kids did great with no whining!!! And the boys didn't even complain that they couldn't eat any of the candy! The pictures are small but if you click on them, they are full size and look much better!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008
I just got a coupon for $5/30 at CVS... I haven't even been there all week... I guess I better get a plan worked up!!
New Look
I think I found a layout I like. I don't love it, but I like it. :) It will stick around for awhile.
Halloween Costumes
New Look
I changed my blog layout tonight and I hate it... but I couldn't just change it back so it has to stay for a little while... I hope to find time soon!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Child Abuse?
This video was sent to me in email today. I find it disturbing and was cringing and looking away through most of it... Are you impressed or disgusted?
Field Trip Today
We went to a local apple cider/apple butter making tour today and the kids had a blast!! It was awesome to watch the apples getting pressed and a huge "apple fall" of juice being squeezed from them! The kids learned about how apple cider and apple butter are made. They also learned a little about different kinds of apples. The tour guide turned on the conveyor belt that went to the second floor and each kid got to drop an apple and watch it travel alllllll the way uppppp!! The littler kids thought this was the greatest thing ever!!! We also learned they have no waste after feeding the leftover apples (called pumice) to local cows!
KMart Double Coupons
All this week, Kmart is doing double coupons up to and
including $2!! I went and spent a little more than I wanted but realized between things ringing up more than they were marked and a
few coupons not doubling (that I didn't notice until I got home) that I should have spent about $18-20 less
than I did. (I did call and was not in the mood for the manager's attitude and since it's quite a trek to the nearest Kmart, Im just sucking
it up as a loss!) Still... I got all this... $227 worth for only $50.63! The items I put a * next to were free
or dirt cheap and even though I won't use them, I will put them in my pile to donate or yard sale next year.
6 Kotex Lightdays
2 Kotex Ultra Thin Pads
2 Glade Carpet Odor Stuff*
2 Glade "Febreeze" knockoff*
3 Oust Air Sanitizer*
3 Diego Band Aids
1 Colgate*
7 Gilette Mens Shampoos*
1 Ziploc Gallon Size Bags
6 bags Ricola
6 Packs Ice Cubes Gum
12 Packs White Tic Tacs (my boys can eat these)
1 Tic Tac Chill
4 Dove Chocolates
2 ten pack Bic Disposable razors*
2 Chocolate Covered Cinnamon Altoids
1 Jergens Lotion
Dove shampoo
Dove conditioner
2 Dove Anti Frizz Spray
2 Palmolive Dishwasher Detergent
Pert Shampoo
3 Ben Gay
3 Tylenol PM
6 Johnson Buddies Soap*
2 Fun Size Butterfingers
2 Fun Size Almond Joy
3 Fun Size Peanut M&Ms
3 Fun Size Milky Ways
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Revlon Coupon
Did anyone else get already expired Revlon coupons in their insert a couple weeks ago? I got a few so I mailed them to Revlon per instruction on ( My coupons were returned to me yesterday with a note saying that they will scan and will be accepted at retailers. I am keeping the letter from Revlon with me if I try to use these coupons but CVS cashiers almost always check my expiration dates!!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Redner's $5 Coupon
Redner's called and told me to bring my receipt in and they would give me a $5 coupon because my coupon did not print like it should have on my last visit (read a few posts below - I am irritated!). I ran in on Friday and they gave me $5 in cash!! Wahoo!!
Kids with Pumpkins
In the past, we have always painted pumpkins but it makes for a mess once it's time to cook the pumpkins so I decided to try something different this year! We had a blast cutting out faces from magazines (that came free in the mail!) an gluing them onto our pumpkins! The lat picture is the pumpkin I made... sitting amongst the torn apart magazines!
CVS Saturday
Today I had to run to an area I don't often run to so that I could pick up some bags of kids' clothes off Freecycle. I went to a CVS that I rarely go to but they were well stocked (although they were out of Well Patches). I had a bunch of Colgate coupons but I left them at home!!! I did have two with me so that helped me reach my $20 (so I could use the $4/20 I got in email).
CVS Vit D $2.99
CVS Beauty Bar $0.99
(2) Colgate $0.99 each = $1.98
(2) Soleil 4 count razor cartridges $5.99 each = $11.98
Always Infinity Pads $4.98
More Mentos $0.79
Total: $22.72
Used: (2) $1 Colgate, (2) $1 Soleil, $2 Infinity Pads, $13.27 in ECBs, $0.44 in cash
$16.97 in ECBs received, profit of $3.26
I don't usually have $/$$ coupons so it was nice to be able to use them and make a profit. I'm happy spending pennies at CVS!
CVS Friday
Friday, October 10, 2008
My mom's CVS trip...
She bought:
6 tubes MaxFresh $2.99 each = $17.94
CVS Beauty Bar $0.99
32 oz Vitamin Water $2.29
Always Infinity Pads $4.98
Total: $26.20
Used: (6) $1 Maxfresh, $5/25 CRT, $14.79 ECBs, $0.41 cash
Earned: $16.27 ECBs
ECBs spent + cash = $15.20
Profit = $1.07
AND she got another $5/25 CRT!!!!!!!
My kids like olives...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
So I'm irritated...
Last night, we did major grocery shopping at Walmart. I bought mostly meat and stocked up on some things that I hate running out of. We spent $198 at Walmart but I did save almost $20 in coupons. That isn't much when I usually save much more! Oh well. Then I ran to Redner's. I was just going in to get a few things that were great deals so Dave and the kids sat in the car with all the groceries. We don't have very good stores around here, at least not that have awesome deals/catalina deals like I read about... for the most part, Walmart has the best prices on food. So, Redner's had a deal "Buy 10 and get $5 off your next order." Green Giant Steamers with sauce were included and on sale for 2/$. I also had 10 $1 off coupons... so I'd pay $5 and get $5 off my next order, great deal, right? There were a few other things that were good deals that I wanted as well... 3 French's worcestershire sauces that I had FREE coupons for, 3 rolls of Marcal toilet paper that I also had FREE coupons for, peeled petite carrots (my kids love these) on sale 2/$3 and Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice on sale 3/$7 and I had (2) $1 off coupons making them just $1.33 each (putting them away for the holidays). I also grabbed 3 small packages of the antibiotic free chicken breast tenderloins that Walmart was out of (I like to have these for lunch). So, I gather all my stuff quickly, remember the kids and Dave are in the car, and get to the register. The Green Giant veggies were not marked 2/$3 but I had the ad in front of me and figured I'd just point it out to the cashier if it rang up at $2.19. They rang up as $1.50 so I thought I was in the clear. Wrong! The $5 off catalina didn't print. The cashier couldn't figure it out so he calls the supervisor over. She couldn't figure it out. She left with my veggies in hand and didn't come back for 5 minutes! Grr! I was just standing there thinking how it was now past the kids' bedtime and my husband was now missing the first part of the football game. Another fifteen minutes later, after lots of talk to the manager, they took my name, address and phone number and said they would contact me about my $5 coupon. Why does couponing have to be so much work!?
Sunday, October 5, 2008
CVS Price Scanner
So, I finally noticed that two of the stores I go to on occasion have price scanners. They look exactly like the ones that spit coupons out, they even have the slot on the side for the coupons! When I scan my card, it says "not on file!" How stinky!!! I wonder if eventually they will print coupons? I know for a fact that the one store did not have this price scanner when I started CVSing in June... so it's definitely new, but why doesn't it shoot out coupons? Does anyone know the answer!?
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